von Doro | 23.06.2011 | Publishing, Transmedia
Davon träumen bestimmt viele in der Verlagsbranche. Passend zur heutigen Bekanntgabe von Pottermore (http://mashable.com/2011/06/23/pottermore-2/), einer interaktiven Harry Potter-Experience, die J.K.Rowling mit Sony umsetzt, eine Infografik von Mikey Burton...
von Doro | 22.06.2011 | Games
via columnfivemedia.com
von Doro | 07.06.2011 | Inspiration
The unveiling of NYC’s Digital Plan by Mayor Bloomberg and Chief Digital Officer Rachel Sterne has given risen to a broader question being asked by city officials and local citizens across the globe – what makes a city digital? Below is our vision of the top ten...
von Doro | 06.06.2011 | Storytelling, Transmedia
Alternate Reality Games – The Future of Mobile Entertainment Adrian Hon, Six to Start 24:31 minutes · via video.nextconf.eu Adrian Hon bei der NEXT11in Berlin.
von Doro | 05.06.2011 | Storytelling, Transmedia
„Whatever it is (crossmedia/transmedia), it is an omniverous art form. I’m a novelist a lot of you are filmmakers. It is eating us all. And it is the future of what we do“ So leitet Maureen McHugh, Schriftstellerin und Transmedia Produzentin für No...