von Doro | 20.04.2010 | Digitales
via @krizzlyadam and thanks to Steffen Meier for support 😉
von Doro | 13.04.2010 | Storytelling
Youtube offers a new tool: Search Stories. Can’t wait to give it a shot! via Holykaw and URLesque
von Doro | 12.04.2010 | Inspiration
Derek Sivers thinks: ideas need to be executed to be worth something. In this short TED talk he explains the first follower principle: „The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader“ via techdirt and @leanderwattig
von Doro | 05.04.2010 | Inspiration
Original Post by Tim Kastelle on Innovation Leadership Network about Jeff Bezos TED talk … we need to start with great ideas, and we get these by making novel connections. I like this talk because there are several great examples of the importance of connecting...
von Doro | 01.04.2010 | Games, Storytelling