von Doro | 31.12.2010 | Inspiration
Johnson: Also, there’s a related myth—that innovation comes primarily from the profit motive, from the competitive pressures of a market society. If you look at history, innovation doesn’t come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments...
von Doro | 01.06.2010 | Digitales
We’re all embedded in vast social networks of friends, family, co-workers and more. Nicholas Christakis tracks how a wide variety of traits — from happiness to obesity — can spread from person to person, showing how your location in the network might...
von Doro | 05.04.2010 | Inspiration
Original Post by Tim Kastelle on Innovation Leadership Network about Jeff Bezos TED talk … we need to start with great ideas, and we get these by making novel connections. I like this talk because there are several great examples of the importance of connecting...