Jedes Jahr veranstaltet Coca Cola mit dem Village einen Vergnügungspark für ca. 650 Jugendliche. Dieses Jahr wollte man die Aktion mit Facebook verschränken und dafür entwickelte Publicis E-dologic Armbänder/Uhren, mit denen man an realen „like“-Stationen sein „Gefällt mir“ Statement loswerden konnte, das dann natürlich bei Facebook gepostet wurde, E-dologic spricht von „The Like Machine“:
This new development opens up a porthole of possibilities and takes a step forward in retaining Facebook’s dominance by allowing people, with the assistance of digital means and advancements, to take the interactive arena from the virtual world to the real world. Edologic nicknamed the development “The Like Machine”, with it being first implemented in The Coca-Cola Village; a summer activity for teenagers, which has just recently began. Once in the village, each guest will receive a bracelet ID which transmits an RFID signal. The guests will then be able to use the bracelet in order to“perform Like”in each of the Coca Cola village facilities. For example, a guest that likes the pool can place his/her bracelet to the readable RFID device that is next to the pool, and automatically a Facebook message will appear on his/her wall stating that he“Liked” the pool at the Village. In addition, a photographer will be present around the Village, taking pictures of the guests while also carrying an RFID device. This will allow each guest that is pictured to“ Touch” the photographer, and that guest’s picture will be automatically uploaded to the Coca-Cola Village Facebook page, already ‘tagged”.(adland)
via marketbringer