Photographer Andrew Zuckerman interviewed a lot of very interesting people for his wisdom project. He interviewed so many people that he splitted the project into four parts: Love, Life, Ideas and Peace.

One of his interview partners was artist Chuck Close, who talked about inspiration:
„Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work. if you wait around for the clouds to part and the bolt of lightning to strike you in the brain, you’re not gonna make an awful lot of work. But if you’re just go to work, something will occur to you and then something else will occur to you and then something else you reject will put you in another direction“
Chuck Close, Artist (in the picture on the screen on the left)
Andrew Zuckerman talked about the project and about the idea of inspiration at the 99percent conference of He builds upon Close and explains further on:

What gets projects done for me is not inspiration. I have no idea what inspiration really is. I know that I get really curious about things, and when that gets mixed with rigor, a project gets completed. And that’s basically it, it’s that simple. When curiosity and rigor get together, something happens. And when one of these things [isn’t] there, nothing happens, or the project doesn’t really reach people.” ~ Andrew Zuckerman



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Andrew Zuckerman: On Curiosity, Rigor, and Learning As You Go from 99U.

So if you wanna get your story told, you need to find out what’s happening with your characters, your plot and the ideas you have by writing it down (note to myself).