Mit dem Bus zur Arbeit gefahren statt mit dem Auto? +10 Punkte. Das Fahrrad statt den Bus genommen? +30 Punkte. So könnte unsere Zukunft aussehen, wenn man Jesse Schell zuhört, der darlegt, wie sehr Computerspiele bereits jetzt unseren Alltag beeinflusst haben:

Games, you may have noticed, are all around us, all the time.[…]
Schell’s discussion kicks off with some of the most unexpected gaming developments over the last few years, including:

* The sudden success of Guitar Hero.
* The Wii winning the console wars
* Webkins
* The incredible popularity of Xbox Achievements.
* Mafia Wars

„What do these have in common? A variety of psychological tricks,“ explains Schell, who then goes on to examine how these various gaming successes take advantage of humans instincts, and how we hunger „to get to anything real.“ He goes on to examine how gaming has extended to grading a class, driving a car, shopping and socializing, ending at a future where everything is a kind of game.